Hi everyone
My name is Cam, and I’m studying Theatre Directing BA at the ZHdK in my fifth semester.
I am currently working on one of my graduation projects. I was given the text “Die Zukünftige“ by Svenja Viola Bungarten to stage. It’s a text about familial relationships, memories, and dreams. In the center of the story, there are two twins, EM and HENRI, whose life changes drastically after their family house burns down.
I already edited the text for my staging and came up with the concept for it in collaboration with my team (the team currently consists of me and two Stage Design BA students). In our concept, we’re focusing on the feeling of being in a dream, unclarity of childhood memories, non-linear narrative, and the big question: who burned the family house?
I’m planning to convey the “dreamy feeling/atmosphere” through the music and movement. Therefore, I’m interested in finding people who are into bodily/movement work for this project. Maybe it’s people from BA Dance or someone who has experience in physical performance 🙂
I’m looking for one person who would be interested in playing one of the twins and three-four people that would be interested in playing the role of the supporting characters. The performer that would play one of the twins would need to be present at most of the rehearsals.
Unfortunately, according to the rules of the Theatre Department at ZHdK, the budget that is provided for this production by the university cannot be used for paying fees. That means that this project is sadly unpaid.
In case you’re interested, please feel free to reach out to me. I have the original text, as well as the version edited for my staging. You can reach out to me on instagram @eternal.damnation_ or via my school email: artur.liutyi@zhdk.ch. Phone number also works: +41766282148
Thank you!
Best regards,