The UNPUBLISHED PHOTO contest is open!
Participation in the international competition is free of charge and open to young photographers born between 1995 and 2007.
Until 3 March (12:00 am local time) applicants must submit an unpublished photographic project of 10 unpublished images. The projects must have a thematic and stylistic unity. A technical jury of international experts from the world of photography and communication will chose the four finalist portfolios.
The winners will receive the following cash prizes:
1st prize: CHF 3.500;
2nd to 4th prize : CHF 500 each.
The four winners are also rewarded with the publication of a catalogue published by the FCM containing all the photographs submitted to the competition, and an exhibition in Lugano, at the MUSEC venue. The costs of these valorisation activities amount to CHF 50.000 and are fully covered by the FCM.
To apply click here: